Writing a research paper may appear complicated, despite being integral to student life. In most of your courses, you must submit at least one research paper per semester.

Do not undervalue research endeavors. They will require a great deal of your time and work. However, do not let your research paper cause you stress or hinder your overall academic performance.

You must have confidence in your topic to reduce anxiety and worry while writing a research paper. Occasionally you will be offered a topic, but more often, you will need to generate your own.

You should initiate a dialogue that is thought-provoking and engaging. If your work is original and engaging, your teachers will grant you a high mark and respect.

How to select good research paper topics?

When selecting a topic for your research paper, you must ensure that it is neither dull nor overused. An intriguing and original topic will captivate your audience and encourage them to read the entire essay. However, if you are unable to construct a topic on your own, use the help of our editors.

Consider the following factors while selecting an appropriate topic:


It is common knowledge that you cannot produce an excellent, insightful research paper if you are not interested in the subject or issue in general. Alternatively, if the issue relates to your area of interest, you can consider yourself fortunate.

Interest and passion for a topic will make it easier to investigate and write about it. If you appreciate science, you should be able to discuss it endlessly. The same holds true for writing about it.


When choosing a topic for an essay, you must ensure that you completely understand the material. Do not hesitate to ask questions if there are confusing topics. The more you comprehend, the easier it will be for you to compose an effective research report. You must convince the audience that you are an expert on the subject, not a clueless novice who does not know what they are talking about.


You must realize that you are not writing a descriptive essay. A research paper is a factually accurate and exhaustive piece of writing. You cannot dilute your writing. Your argument should be supported by examples or citations from other credible research and scholarly works.


How creative can your discussion of The French Revolution or Pearl Harbor be? However, an original technique can give you an advantage over other students. A topic should approach the subject from a novel and unexpected angle. If you conduct a thorough investigation, you may discover obscure facts that will astound your readers. This strategy will captivate your audience and distinguish your study report.

Visit nursingwritingservices.net to generate potential ideas for research papers and locate relevant paper samples. The database contains almost 1000 documents. In addition to samples, you can also find amazing writing tools such as Plagiarism Checker and Title Page Maker.

Ideas for Research Paper Topics

Writing a research paper without a suitable topic can be a student’s worst nightmare. So, how do you generate one? There are numerous ways to generate ideas, such as conversing with peers and reading topic suggestions, paper examples, magazines, journals, blogs, and novels.

Here are some examples of possible topics:

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

You must give facts to demonstrate a firm grasp of the subject. Your introduction and conclusion must be equally powerful. Consider the following examples of argumentative research topics:

  1. Are athletes suitable role models?
  2. Is the minimum wage excessively high?
  3. Who is to blame for homelessness?
  4. Do we need shorter working weeks?
  5. What is the optimal age for alcohol consumption?

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

  1. Using animals in scientific study is unethical.
  2. Parents should monitor the websites visited by their children.
  3. Domestic violence against women is on the rise.
  4. Children’s media exposure: Do parental controls work?
  5. Today, there are numerous cybercrimes, and their number will continue to rise.
  6. The United States should embrace a policy of non-intervention in international conflicts.

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

Some seek out controversy whenever they speak or act, especially in public. A good illustration is an activist. Whether advocating for LGBT rights or same-sex marriage, writing about such topics may be challenging. Therefore, you need a powerful topic from the outset. The following controversial topics for a research paper are sure to get you moving in the right direction:

  1. Homosexual couples and kid adoption.
  2. Surrogate moms and the societal perspective
  3. Violence in media content.
  4. STEM subjects should be required.
  5. Sexuality education in middle school
  6. Should homework be eliminated?

Are you having difficulty finding a topic for your research paper? Utilize our topic generation tool to search for the best one.

Best Research Paper Topics 2022

  1. Is college education relevant to the labor market?
  2. Should colleges be religious organizations?
  3. Should colleges provide specific accommodations for disabled students?
  4. In what ways has the institution of marriage evolved in the postmodern era?
  5. Is there a difference between the hearts of men and women?
  6. What are the potential health benefits of pregnancy and parenthood?
  7. Investigating unfair child labor on the job
  8. The importance of ethics in business and how to control inappropriate behavior.
  9. How does cross-border BPO affect your country’s gross domestic product?
  10. Which companies will reach the top five in the next ten years?
  11. Terrorism and its impact on businesses.
  12. Are universities becoming increasingly business-driven?
  13. The causes of data rape and preventative measures
  14. Should licensed gun owners be permitted to bring their firearms to school?
  15. Ex-offenders and job hunting. Is it challenging to get employment?
  16. Should colleges compensate student-athletes, and if so, how?
  17. What should be the basis for promotion in the workplace: seniority, education, or performance evaluation?
  18. The current importance of search engine optimization to enterprises.
  19. Should women be permitted to participate in extreme sports?
  20. Does feminism alter American culture?

Art Research Paper Topics

  1. The reasons why digital museums must exist and be accessible
  2. The characteristics of Flemish artists
  3. Should Japanese anime be considered a distinct type of art?
  4. The impact of Photoshop and comparable computer tools on the perception of contemporary art
  5. The history of photography and artistic forms of expression
  6. The difficulties faced by contemporary artists during periods of social estrangement
  7. The perception of color and light in the Middle East
  8. Ancient Rome’s contribution to the sculptures’ development
  9. Should artists be permitted to display their paintings in public parks?
  10. The significance of art education in middle schools

College Research Paper Topics

  1. Examine the design and building of global thermal power facilities.
  2. Analyze how the free software movement is affecting the world for the better.
  3. Analyze cognitive development in youngsters.
  4. How does the government evaluate the community’s health care needs?
  5. Pre-election influences voter behavior.
  6. Discuss how to budget for college expenses.
  7. What effects does menstruation have on young girls?
  8. The impact of substance abuse on college students’ performance and conduct.
  9. What is the cause of societal stereotypes?
  10. There is factual evidence that AIDS began in monkeys.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  1. Autism: an illness or a peculiarity of development?
  2. How to predict and influence behavioral patterns
  3. How do we handle child violence?
  4. How do you handle a mental breakdown?
  5. The effect of classical music on brain activity
  6. How does insomnia impact our health?
  7. How do nightmares affect our mood?
  8. Is stress truly hazardous?
  9. What effect does depression have on the immune system?
  10. Intellectually gifted individuals: how is this possible?

History Research Paper Topics

  1. What effects did World War II have on the rights of women?
  2. What factors precipitated World War II?
  3. Is liberalism the best course of action?
  4. What were the results of women’s suffrage campaigns?
  5. How did Martin Luther King’s protest against the Catholic Church affect society?
  6. What is the greatest successful military strategy in history?
  7. How has Asian art impacted contemporary art?
  8. What is the relationship between the Greek and Roman cultures?
  9. The empire of the Aztecs and its architecture

Criminal justice research paper topics

  1. How do torrenting websites affect creativity and intellectual property?
  2. Should marijuana be legalized on a nationwide scale?
  3. How has the legalization of same-sex marriage affected the United States?
  4. Are sentences for sexual offenses just?
  5. Should there be legislation against cyberbullying?
  6. Where is the limit between artistic and pornographic photos?
  7. How does Russia’s new adoption law deny orphans the opportunity for happiness?
  8. Various abortion laws exist throughout the world.
  9. How do prostitution laws vary across the globe?

Business topics for research paper

  1. How may a company idea be transformed into a successful startup?
  2. How might innovative marketing help to enhance sales?
  3. Is the purpose of taxation to eliminate small businesses?
  4. effective time management for both large and small teams
  5. Is multitasking an efficient way to work?
  6. sexual harassment within the workplace
  7. How benefits can increase employee satisfaction
  8. How do large corporations consistently violate the law and get away with it?
  9. What are the different minimum wages throughout the world? Should the Universal Declaration of Human Rights govern them?
  10. Which businesses were the most successful in the first two decades of the 21st century?

Sociology Research Paper Topics

  1. The causes of anxiousness throughout the first year in college.
  2. The campus’s conflict resolution strategies.
  3. The bulk of college internship selections is frequently skewed.
  4. The contemporary function of leadership and responsibility
  5. college students’ perceptions of friendship and dependability
  6. The function of social movements in raising public awareness of bullying.
  7. Modern role models vs. those from the previous decade.
  8. The changes in the sphere of education affect new students.
  9. Should all students have access to medical services on campus?
  10. What are the constraints of college parties from an ethical standpoint?

Mental Health Research Paper Topics

  1. Depression Causes
  2. Alcohol Addiction Disorders
  3. Schizophrenia Diagnostics
  4. Bipolar Disorder
  5. PTSD in U.S. Army Veterans
  6. Stress Among Police Officers
  7. Aggression in Teenagers and Video Games
  8. Prohibited Drug Prevention Use
  9. The Ethics of Psychiatric Patients
  10. Physical Traumas and Recovery Techniques

Healthcare research paper topics

  1. Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana impacts on the human body.
  2. Vaccination in the twenty-first century
  3. The most contentious aspects of birth control.
  4. Alzheimer’s: preventative measures
  5. Euthanasia
  6. How can research aid in the cure for AIDS?
  7. Are there effective cancer prevention methods?
  8. What positive effects do fats have on the human body and mind?
  9. Anorexia and obesity are two sides of the same coin.
  10. The importance of mental health

Nursing research paper topics

  1. Advantages and Shortages of Telemedicine
  2. The function of School Nurses
  3. Healthy Eating and Sports
  4. Parental Roles for Children’s Healthy Lifestyle
  5. Pharmacist Responsibilities
  6. Safe Sex Culture Education for Adolescents
  7. Social Work and the Health Promotion Specialist’s Role
  8. Ethics of Medical Sales Promotion Campaigns
  9. Initiatives for Disease Prevention and Control
  10. Dangers of Healthcare in the Digital Age

Biology Research Paper Topics

  1. How does the human immune system function?
  2. What factors can enhance the immune system’s ability to combat disease?
  3. What factors lead the immune system to be compromised?
  4. Autoimmune disorders and their immunological effects on the body
  5. The worldwide HIV/AIDS pandemic
  6. How can you stop the spread of hives?
  7. Existing with autoimmune conditions
  8. Genetic variables influencing the immune system
  9. How immunological illnesses impact the body, and their causes are discussed.
  10. Allergies: a slight irritant or an indication of a severe immunological disorder?
  11. Is it permissible to modify human DNA to eliminate immunological disorders?
  12. What effect does stress have on the immune system?
  13. How do vaccinations enhance the immune response?
  14. The social view of vaccines
  15. Why do some individuals refuse vaccinations and put others in danger?

Philosophy research paper topics

  1. Philosophy’s subject matter and primary question.
  2. The organization and functions of philosophy.
  3. The philosophical comprehension of space
  4. Philosophical comprehension of time
  5. philosophical comprehension of motion
  6. Categorizations of dialectics
  7. laws of dialectics
  8. Consciousness.
  9. Language and Consciousness.
  10. Cognition.
  11. Methods of thinking
  12. The expression of reality.
  13. The position and function of humans in the universe.
  14. The significance of human life.
  15. Theories of the (linear) progressive development of human society.
  16. Theories on the historical cycle.
  17. The civilizational method for comprehending the evolution of human society.
  18. a philosophical approach to culture
  19. cultural types from the past
  20. Socratic philosophical ideas.

Bottom Line

Do not be afraid to do thorough research. To write a quality research paper, you must have confidence in your argument. Utilize the given research paper topic ideas, and you will achieve success.

If you are still wondering, “Who can write my research paper?” then nursingwritingservices.net is where you should be.