Not sure how to write a case study assignment? Read on for help getting started! A case study assignment is based on a professional scenario that highlights concerns or problems in the workplace. Case study assignments pose particular questions regarding the circumstance to assist the student or professional in identifying and analyzing the problems or challenges in the given scenario and providing appropriate replies, preventative measures, or remedies. The student or professional must also integrate the knowledge of theories and professional policies into the solution for the given problem.

Types of Case Study

The most common forms of case study assignments are:

  • Illustrative case studies, in which a familiar situation is analyzed to aid others in understanding. Utilized frequently in research methods, this form of case study is primarily descriptive.
  • Exploratory case studies are preliminary initiatives conducted before comprehensive research. In the social sciences, exploratory case studies are frequently employed and center on actual cases.
  • Cumulative case studies are frequently used in qualitative research to collect data from multiple sources at different dates. These case studies are a sort of data analysis designed to eliminate the need for additional investigations.
  •  Critical instances case studies assist in determining the causes and effects of occurrences. They are employed to explore sources of singular interest, no widespread interest, or sources that call a universal belief into doubt.

Read also: how to write a law case study assignment.

How to Start a Case Study Paper

Assignment writing might be challenging if you don’t know where to begin, but writing a case study analysis is straightforward if you follow the four steps below.

  1. Determine the Issue: In your own words, briefly describe the case study topic or problems. For instance, a business case study assignment may focus on how a company might appeal to eastern markets, while a nursing case study assignment may address the issue of childhood obesity.
  2. Consider the Root Cause: What are the primary reasons for the issue? Child obesity, for instance, is primarily caused by inactivity and poor eating.
  3. Create an Outline: Decide on three to four relevant main points you wish to make, such as child obesity is increasing globally (point one), child inactivity is increasing due to technological advancements and the recent pandemic (point two), and children prefer fast food to home-cooked meals and fruits and vegetables (point three) (point three). When the case study assignment is fully completed with supporting evidence, these ideas will be elaborated on in a paragraph or two (facts, statistics, quotes).
  4. Possible Remedies: Jot down some potential solutions to the problem or issue.
    • Increased physical education classes at schools, residential children’s homes, and wards for children.
    • Free community-based physical activities for youngsters
    • Free community-based nutrition education for parents and children
    • Fruit and vegetable subsidies
    • Alterations to school, hospital, and residential home menus

Read also: how to write a case study assignment nursing.

Writing a Case Study Draft

After conducting case study research and composing the outline, it is time to concentrate on the draft. In a draft, you must develop and compose your case study using the information gathered from the research, the interviews, and the analysis methods. Follow these tentative guidelines:

  1. Your draft should include at least four sections: an introduction; a body containing background information, an explanation of why you chose to conduct this case study, a presentation of your key results; a conclusion with data; and a list of references.
  2. In the introduction, you should establish the tempo. You may also pose a question or cite an individual you interviewed during the research phase. It must have sufficient background information on the subject. The backdrop may contain an analysis of prior research on your issue. Include the purpose of your argument as well. Consider it a thesis statement. The objective must define the purpose of your work by outlining the issues you intend to address. Include background information, such as photographs and videos utilized in your research.
  3. Describe how you conducted your study through interviews, observations, academic journals, etc. The next step is to present the findings of your investigation. Inform the audience of your findings. Why is this significant, and what lessons can be drawn from it? Discuss the problem’s actual repercussions and its global relevance.
  4. Include quotes and data (such as findings, percentages, and awards). This will provide a personal touch and enhance the credibility of your argument. Describe the findings of your interviews on the problem and its evolution. Also, include solutions provided by others who have already written about this case.
  5. Provide potential remedies at the conclusion of your case study, but don’t worry about implementing them yourself.

Check also: how to write a case study report assignment.

How to Format a Case Study Assignment Properly.

After identifying your outline (as discussed previously), you can begin writing. Remember that you don’t need to write the sections in the order in which they will be presented. Generally, it is better to start with the major body (first the backdrop, then the solutions, and ultimately the primary answer/solution), then write the recommendations/conclusion, and then the introduction. As the conclusion provides a summary of the assignment and the introduction provides a framework for the assignment, both are easier to write once the main sections have been completed.

  • Explain the problem’s relevance, why this case is being written, and how the assignment pertains to resolving the problem.
  • Describe relevant topics and facts by conducting a significant study on the subject utilizing credible sources of information, such as academic publications, scholarly articles, research papers, etc.
  • Solutions. Provide viable answers to the problem by outlining them. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each alternative.
  • Main Answer. Explain which solution you consider best and provide evidence to support your position. You can also support your proposed solution with ideas from class discussions, lectures, readings, and your personal perspectives.
  • Recommendations/conclusion. Using supporting ideas, explain why your proposed remedy should be implemented and how it will fix or alleviate the issue or problem.

Remember that educational institution criteria can vary greatly, and the above structure is merely a recommendation. Always pay close attention to the instructor’s case study assignment brief. Read also how to write a case study assignment for psychology.

Where Can I Find Case Study Assignment Examples?

Examining an example of a case study assignment can be more instructive than reading about how to write one. Fortunately, the Internet is replete with case study assignment examples for every subject, and you can also request examples from your instructor’s former students. Check also how to write a case study assignment example.

To Sum it All Up

Typically, there are four categories of case study assignments: illustrative, exploratory, cumulative, and critical. Ensure you know the assignment type before writing, as criteria differ. Focus on the primary problem or problems and potential solutions, as getting started is frequently the most challenging aspect. Then, you can begin writing the main body before tackling the introduction and recommendations/conclusion. Remember to add hypothesis and credible evidence sources, and you’re done! Hopefully, you now understand how to write a case study assignment!

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