Essay writing can be time-consuming and tedious. It isn’t easy to spend hours writing a quality essay, and coming up with academic essay topics ideas might be even more challenging.

This is what makes essay writing challenging and time-consuming. Fortunately, essay writing can be learned by practicing and observing effective examples. But before that, you need to know how to select an essay topic that is both interesting and relevant.

To help you get started, we have classified a variety of essay topic lists into several categories.

Academic Argumentative Essay Topics

An academic argumentative essay explores a topic in-depth, creates an argument about it, then defends it with supporting evidence.

Here are some excellent topic suggestions for argumentative essays to assist you in writing winning papers.

  1. High school students should be permitted to create their curriculum.
  2. The function of physical education in the educational system.
  3. Should the death penalty be implemented worldwide?
  4. Certain species of animals should not be used for tests or other research reasons.
  5. Should the government take additional steps to increase accessibility for individuals with physical disabilities?
  6. People learn how to become politicians, or are they born with the skill?
  7. Owners of social media platforms must monitor and block comments containing hate speech.
  8. Does technology contribute to individuals feeling more isolated?
  9. Will there ever be a period when no additional technological improvements are made?
  10. It should be unlawful to manufacture and sell tobacco.
  11. Girls should be encouraged to participate in sports.
  12. Victims of rape must abort their unborn children.
  13. Fathers should be entitled to equal paternity leave.
  14. Do teens engage in delinquent behavior due to boredom?
  15. Parents who have failed their children should be punished.
  16. Vaping is significantly safer than smoking cigarettes.
  17. Covid-19 immunization offers more disadvantages than advantages.
  18. Social media is the true cause of adolescent depression.
  19. Is the U.S. educational system ideal for society?
  20. Recycling should be required by law.

Academic Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Energy drinks should be prohibited at schools and universities.
  2. Betting should be prohibited in the United States.
  3. Should abortion be prohibited globally?
  4. The act of hunting is immoral.
  5. Is it acceptable to utilize animals in a circus?
  6. Dangerous dogs must be euthanized.
  7. Cell phones should be prohibited in schools.
  8. Teachers, like students, should pass a professional exam.
  9. Schools should reduce the amount of work assigned to kids.
  10. The teaching of sexuality should be required in secondary schools.
  11. Vlogging is not a legitimate profession.
  12. Is LinkedIn useful for seeking employment?
  13. Social media has significantly contributed to the expansion of commercial options.
  14. Is Java becoming outdated?
  15. Should companies review a candidate’s social networking profiles?
  16. Animal testing should be prohibited.
  17. Violent video games must be prohibited.
  18. Mentally disabled parents should not be permitted to adopt children.
  19. Alcohol usage should be made legal in Muslim nations.
  20. Everyone should have the Covid-19 vaccine.

Academic Descriptive Essay Topics

  1. The person who has had a significant effect on my life.
  2. Describe the advantages of a smartphone to a person from the 1960s.
  3. A fascinating piece of art I’ve ever observed.
  4. Describe what it is like to fall in love.
  5. Describe the appearance of a place that exists only in your imagination.
  6. Describe meeting a renowned someone.
  7. Describe yourself and your character to a stranger.
  8. How will life be in the year 2050?
  9. An encounter that profoundly altered my life.
  10. Your idea of the perfect day
  11. My first vacation overseas
  12. The most significant event in United States history.
  13. A popular book series that left you unsatisfied.
  14. A glimpse into my daily routine.
  15. A day in the life of an emergency room doctor.
  16. A visit to the museum.
  17. The most intriguing film I watched over the summer holiday.
  18. My most cherished childhood memory
  19. A defining moment in my life
  20. A circumstance that renewed my trust in mankind

Narrative Essay Topics

  1. The event that taught me that looks could be deceiving
  2. A week without access to the internet or technology.
  3. The influence of your first love on your life.
  4. How much did your professors influence your development into who you are today?
  5. A situation that helped you realize that your parents were not always correct.
  6. A time when someone you disliked surprised you with kindness.
  7. The impact that technology has had on your life and activities.
  8. An achievement outside of the classroom?
  9. Which school lesson has had the most impact on your life?
  10. A day spent fighting procrastination.
  11. A time when you were rejected.
  12. The time you rebelled against your parents.
  13. A situation that rendered you helpless.
  14. When you wished to be an only child.
  15. An act of charity that will never be forgotten.
  16. The loss of a loved one.
  17. Your biggest personal peeve.
  18. Your description of the ideal weekend.
  19. The things you most deeply regret in life
  20. Your initial encounter with flying.

Academic Research Essay Topics

  1. Effects of violent animation on children
  2. Should colleges make accommodations for students with disabilities?
  3. I concur that events and experiences are causing the rise in terrorism.
  4. How do technology and gadgets affect children’s academic performance?
  5. Children that attend preschool perform better in school, right?
  6. Universities are becoming increasingly business-focused.
  7. Does student loan debt affect their future lives?
  8. Why has the divorce rate fluctuated over the previous ten years?
  9. Schools should permit the use of smartphones in the classroom.
  10. Effective strategies to reduce depression among our young
  11. Analyze the United States of America’s connection with North Korea.
  12. Why did the United Kingdom choose to exit the EU?
  13. Is it true that students study better in schools of the same gender?
  14. How does providing children with various electronic devices affect their academic performance?
  15. Compare and contrast the immigration policy of two countries.
  16. The events leading up to World War I.
  17. The positives and negatives of studying abroad
  18. How has Covid-19 changed the global educational system?
  19. Individual actions that contribute to global warming.
  20. The effectiveness of Covid-19 control measures.

Academic Expository Essay Topics

  1. Why do teens commit suicide?
  2. What effect does music have on our youth?
  3. What are the ramifications of skipping school?
  4. Why do teenagers use drugs?
  5. How can pets increase your happiness and enrich your life?
  6. Consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages on school grounds.
  7. How can substance abuse affect relationships?
  8. Is climate change a cause of skin cancer?
  9. Is sodium harmful to your health?
  10. What differentiates being overweight from being obese?
  11. Why do you wish to follow your selected profession?
  12. Explain how scientific breakthroughs improve the quality of human life.
  13. What are some unorthodox methods of stress relief?
  14. If you could trade lives with another person, who would it be and why?
  15. What are the most significant sources of stress in a teenager’s life?
  16. Why is earning a degree essential for a successful career?
  17. Pros and downsides to receiving financial aid.
  18. How emotional support animals help in the treatment of mental disorders.
  19. What impact does prostitution have on society?
  20. The environmental factors contributing to smoking.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  1. Introverts and extraverts
  2. Generation Y vs. Generation Z.
  3. Traditional Helicopters Versus Realistic Drones
  4. Students without jobs versus students with part-time jobs
  5. The SAT and the TOEFL
  6. How are persuasive and argumentative essays comparable?
  7. In what ways did the causes of World War I differ from those of World War II?
  8. Education versus professional career: which is more challenging?
  9. Living in the present or daydreaming.
  10. What is worse, earthquake or tsunami consequences?
  11. Being popular in high school versus being alone?
  12. Work part-time or get an advanced degree?
  13. Marrying at a mature age or a young age?
  14. Today’s fashion against that of twenty years ago.
  15. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton.
  16. Comparing Democracy and Dictatorship
  17. Vietnam War versus the War on Terror.
  18. The advantages of consuming tea versus coffee.
  19. Discussing different techniques of the Greeks and Romans.
  20. Traditional versus virtual learning.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  1. What factors lead to eating disorders?
  2. Effects of global warming and climate change
  3. The consequences of the feminist movement
  4. What are the causes of the rise in adolescent depression?
  5. What factors contribute to suicidal ideation?
  6. Is keeping a pet good for mental relaxation?
  7. What effects does divorce have on children?
  8. Why do males have a fear of commitment?
  9. social media’s effects on youth
  10. How has social media influenced family relationships?
  11. Discuss the consequences of homeschooling for children.
  12. Causes of cardiovascular diseases
  13. The origins of sibling rivalry
  14. Cramming does not aid in improving test performance.
  15. The causes and effects of occupational depression.
  16. How do abusive parents affect a child’s mental stability?
  17. The causes and consequences of bullying
  18. The causes of adolescent obesity
  19. What impact does a balanced diet have on health?
  20. The causes and consequences of insomnia

Controversial academic argument essay topics

  1. The Russian and American governments should work to avert a third world war.
  2. the impact of political policies and practices on pupils
  3. Is gun control effective at lowering crime rates?
  4. Same-sex marriage and the Constitution
  5. Is societal regulation excessive?
  6. Are leaders made or born?
  7. No one should be exempt from the law.
  8. The monarchy’s advantages and disadvantages
  9. Political Activity Restrictions for Federal Employees
  10. The countries with the most corruption in the world.
  11. The practice of mercy killing should be authorized in all nations.
  12. The death penalty should be eliminated.
  13. Developed nations should provide education plans to countries in the developing world.
  14. Muslims should not be considered terrorists.
  15. Illegal immigrants must be granted equal rights.
  16. Abortions should be made legal.
  17. Live-in relationships ought to be supported.
  18. Steroid use by professional athletes should be permitted.
  19. Should physical discipline be administered to children?
  20. Smoking in public should be a punishable offense.

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Why do people enjoy watching funny videos?
  2. What your cat’s true thoughts are.
  3. Why spam emails should be your preferred form of communication
  4. Why wearing braces is enjoyable
  5. Dropouts from school are the best in our society.
  6. Why I do not enjoy country music
  7. Types of dates
  8. A more efficient method of completing tasks
  9. What organic food truly entails
  10. Things that men do that irritate women.
  11. How to annoy a friend.
  12. Why do women pretend to be interested in sports?
  13. Things that prohibit you from finishing your schoolwork on time.
  14. amusing things observed during wedding ceremonies
  15. Why are spam email messages more interesting?
  16. Why does the coffee at Starbucks taste better?
  17. Why are backseat kids smarter than other pupils?
  18. Clowns are more frightening than amusing.
  19. Should we continue to keep social distance following Covid-19?
  20. Why is viewing films superior to reading books?

Informative Essay Topics for Students

Writing an essay demands depth. However, you are not required to select a difficult topic in middle school, high school, or college.

Here is a list of interesting essay topics for middle school, high school, and college students.

Academic Essay Topics for College Students

  1. The traditional class system cannot be replaced with virtual classes.
  2. The benefits and drawbacks of online classes.
  3. Is it necessary to alter the higher education system?
  4. Assault weapons should not be authorized.
  5. Those with a history of mental illness should be prohibited from purchasing guns.
  6. Globally, the taxation system needs modification.
  7. In advertising, children should not be the target audience.
  8. The number of calories should be listed alongside each meal.
  9. Feminists have effectively enhanced women’s employment opportunities.
  10. Is capital punishment effective?
  11. How to recognize fake news?
  12. How can one keep a healthy lifestyle?
  13. How can PTSD be treated naturally?
  14. Should people be assessed based on their physical appearance?
  15. How is technology impacting the work performance of individuals?
  16. Private schools versus public schools
  17. How do I choose my high school major?
  18. Impact of drug legalization on society
  19. Importance of acquiring social values
  20. How can bullying be prevented on campus?

  Good topics for academic research essay

  1. The decision to join the military should be a personal one.
  1. The act of listening to music can enhance productivity.
  2. Sincerity has more negatives than positives.
  3. Accident victims are more appreciative of life than others.
  4. Moments of embarrassment increase your confidence.
  5. Kindness is the most valuable quality in a person.
  6. Your life can be improved through spontaneity.
  7. Can hobbies enhance the quality of one’s life?
  8. Dressing appropriately in the workplace increases productivity.
  9. Being organized is beneficial in both the classroom and the workplace.
  10. The societal impact of homosexuality
  11. What exactly is feminism?
  12. How do you conquer your anxieties and phobias?
  13. What is the importance of leadership qualities in the workplace?
  14. Bipolar disorder’s causes and therapies are discussed.
  15. There are antidepressant-related adverse effects.
  16. How crucial is mental health to professional success?
  17. How do instructional methods affect learning skills?
  18. Should people with disabilities be permitted to work in offices?
  19. Prejudice and racism in the United States.

Good academic essay topics

  1. Every child should have household responsibilities.
  2. There should be no classes throughout the summer.
  3. Should students continue to study throughout the summer?
  4. Parents should be aware of how much time their children spend watching television.
  5. Favorite summer vacation with the family
  6. Sports should be required in all schools.
  7. Both private and public school lunches should exclude processed foods.
  8. Do students still use newspapers for research?
  9. Every person should devote one year to community service.
  10. The weekend should consist of three days.
  11. How can optimism promote personal development?
  12. Causes and consequences of procrastination
  13. Islam vs. Christianity
  14. The importance of money
  15. importance of health
  16. Are summer schools beneficial?
  17. Peer influence on decision-making.
  18. Why should kids be encouraged to engage in physical activity?
  19. How do you stop harmful habits?
  20. What do you consider a betrayal to be?

To Sum up

These academic essay topics will be helpful when writing your next essay. If you need essay writing help, is a professional essay writing company that can help you write any essay. Contact us today for superior essay writing services.