Before completing your nursing degree, you may be required to submit a nursing research paper to demonstrate your knowledge in a particular area of nursing. Nursing can be a broad field, requiring more effort to select an engaging study topic. It is helpful to brainstorm ideas on which topic is the best option. This article defines a nursing research paper, highlights factors to consider when selecting nursing research topics for the research paper, and presents a list of viable topics for various specializations.

What is a nursing research paper?

A nursing research paper is a piece of academic writing on a nursing-related topic that you may be required to complete while enrolled in a nursing program. This academic paper typically demonstrates that you can conduct research and have a solid grasp of specific topics in the field you wish to pursue. It can also help you become acquainted with future nursing specialties.

These research papers may be a big part of your grade and an essential component of your degree. You may be required to finish this paper to graduate.

How to Choose Excellent Nursing Research paper Topics

Since your research paper is so important, think carefully about what you want to write about. Try to pick one that is:

  1. Interesting,
  2. Relevant,
  3. Explorative.
  4. Specific
  5. Original
  6. Meaningful

Consider asking your lecturers or mentors for recommendations on making your topic more specific or directions that could make your research more fruitful.

Nursing research topics

Here is a list of possible nursing topics organized by subject:

Child nursing research topics

If you wish to specialize in pediatric nursing, you may research a topic related to childhood nursing. The following are examples of research topics:

  1. Impact of antibiotics on childhood immunity
  2. Childhood exposure to environmental contaminants and their effects
  3. Early life effects of secondhand smoke inhalation
  4. Ethics of pediatric treatment
  5. Genetic factors of childhood diabetes
  6. Has newborn care improved over the past half-century?
  7. How has the treatment of children’s cancer evolved throughout time?
  8. How has newborn care evolved over the past fifty years?
  9. How the health of youngsters can affect their future health
  10. How effective are therapies for malnutrition in children?
  11. How to manage psychological concerns in pediatric patients
  12. How to identify and treat childhood respiratory infections
  13. How to enhance child care in hospital inpatient facilities
  14. How to reduce the risk of newborn harm
  15. How to prevent childhood malnutrition
  16. Prenatal effects of exposure to environmental contaminants
  17. Presentation and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  18. Prevention measures for childhood obesity
  19. Antibiotic resistance in children 20. Stem cell treatments for pediatric disorders
  20. Major causes of infant and child death
  21. Childhood obesity causes

Adult nursing research paper topics

Adult nursing is the care of individuals aged 18 and above. If you are interested in pursuing a nursing career in this profession, you may research the following topics:

  1. A regional analysis of dental and oral health
  2. Analyzing the cost-effectiveness of health care
  3. Assessing the benefits of collaborative nursing
  4. Analyzing the underlying causes of depression
  5. Analyzing the variation in cardiovascular treatment between men and women
  6. Analyzing the variation in diets
  7. Analyzing the evolution of nursing and its contribution to healthcare
  8. Comparing the effects of culture on nursing in various nations
  9. Effective measures for maintaining nurses’ emotional health
  10. Ethical aspects of adult healthcare data collection
  11. The evolution of nursing during a particular time period
  12. History of eating disorder treatment and current treatment analysis
  13. Non-pharmacological therapy for bipolar illnesses
  14. Strategies for preventing the transmission of infectious diseases by nurses
  15. Ethical aspects of euthanasia
  16. The treatment of the acute coronary syndrome
  17. Treatment history for anxiety disorders
  18. Examples and analysis of the treatment history for migraines
  19. How to deal with restless leg syndrome
  20. Chronic anxiety disorder triggers

Midwifery nursing research topics

A midwife is a registered nurse who has undergone additional training in midwifery to care for women during and after pregnancy. If you are interested in pursuing this sort of nursing, you may conduct research on a midwifery-related topic. The following are examples of topics within this field:

  1. Evaluation of workload and quality of care for underserved populations
  2. Analysis of the childbirth experiences of autistic women
  3. Analysis of common neonatal and baby feeding problems
  4. Analysis of mother-child bonding during postnatal care
  5. Analysis of treatments for postpartum depression
  6. Analysis of the dangers associated with advanced maternal age.
  7. Analysis of the changes in midwifery practice.
  8. Spirituality analysis in midwifery
  9. Analysis of midwifery teamwork
  10. Analyzing the effects of telephone-based postnatal therapeutic care
  11. Case studies of successful delivery experiences
  12. Case studies demonstrating beneficial postnatal outcomes
  13. Historical perspective on midwifery in minority cultures
  14. Managing the parental experience with difficult births
  15. Midwifery practices in rural communities.
  16. Non-pharmacological pain management during labor
  17. Non-pharmacological treatment of mental problems during postpartum care
  18. Treatment of mental illnesses without medication during pregnancy
  19. Midwifery’s role in emergency care
  20. Skincare and cleanliness for infants
  21. Disability treatment during postnatal care
  22. Disability treatment during pregnancy
  23. Pregnancy-induced hypertension treatments
  24. Methods for including dads in prenatal and postnatal care

Elderly care nursing research topics

Elderly nursing involves providing care to patients above 65 years of age. If you are interested in caring for elderly patients, consider selecting a nursing or a medical research topics that focus on this field. Examples of topics include:

  1. Age-associated factors in the cardiovascular deterioration
  2. An examination of the issues that result from extended hospital stays
  3. Analysis of the role of food in dementia
  4. Evaluation of the impact of aging on the immune system
  5. Analysis of the role of the physical environment on functional decline
  6. Analysis of nutritional indicators in older adults
  7. Analyzing the role of the nurse in advance care planning
  8. Care strategies to improve elderly patients’ pain management
  9. Case studies of vaccinations for senior citizens
  10. Case study of Parkinson’s disease
  11. Ethics of using physical restrictions on elderly patients
  12. Critical care ethics for elderly patients
  13. Medical emergencies related to older cancer patients’ treatment
  14. Prevention of older patient falls and injuries
  15. Strategies for improving the oral health of older patients
  16. Strategies to increase elderly adults’ detection of dehydration
  17. Methods for treating aging persons’ sensory system changes
  18. Treatment for cardiovascular risk
  19. Treatment of joint disorders among the elderly
  20. How we can treat Alzheimer’s disease

Women’s health nursing research paper topics

A women’s health nurse provides lifetime care for women. If you are interested in providing health care to women, one of the following topics may be of interest to you:

  1. Analysis of emotional premenstrual syndrome symptoms
  2. Evaluation of strategies to prevent sexually transmitted illnesses
  3. Analysis of sleep problems in women
  4. Analysis of menopause treatment
  5. Analysis of immigrant women’s health care
  6. Cultural variations in women’s health
  7. Method for diagnosing breast cancer
  8. Sexual health problems in women
  9. Evaluation of the effectiveness of breast cancer screening
  10. Environmental variables that contribute to the high incidence of infertility
  11. Ethical treatment of infertility
  12. Ethics in women’s health
  13. Factors that boost female fertility
  14. The gender disparity between health care professionals
  15. Treatments for female acne

Mental health nursing research topics

A mental health nurse provides care for individuals whose brain chemistry or cognitive functions are impaired. Consider the following topics if you have an interest in mental health:

  1. ADHD management strategies
  2. Evaluation of the efficacy of meditative therapy for patients with cognitive development impairment
  3. Evaluation of mirror treatment for brain rehabilitation
  4. Analysis of anorexia’s risk factors
  5. An examination of the relationship between dopamine levels and autism
  6. A study of the relationship between screen time and ADHD
  7. Analysis of the association between fatigue or depression and cancer
  8. Evaluation of treatments for persons with dementia
  9. Advantages of using antipsychotics for delirium prevention
  10. Chemical stimulants as ADHD treatments
  11. Bipolar illness risk factors and their detection
  12. Effects of social media on psychological health
  13. The relationship between the environment and Alzheimer’s illness
  14. Genetic determinants of bipolar disorder
  15. Methods for identifying and helping victims of intimate partner violence
  16. Prevention strategies for post-traumatic stress disorder
  17. Therapies that help stroke patients in regaining motor functions
  18. Understanding schizophrenia’s personal experience and sense of self

Nursing Research Paper Topics about Pain Management

Pain management is the care of people who are in pain or need help dealing with long-term pain. If you are interested in nursing pain management, you may wish to consider the following topics.

  1. Analyzing the effectiveness of nonchemical pain management methods in adolescents
  2. Analyzing the nurse’s role in pain management
  3. Post-surgery pain treatment strategies, both chemical and nonchemical
  4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of pain management techniques for cancer patients
  5. The history and best practices of cognitive hypnotherapy in the treatment of pain
  6. Medication trends relevant to nurses in pain management
  7. Pain management in hemophilia
  8. Treatments for chronic pain

Health care management research topic

Health care management research topics emphasize the business side of nursing more than patient care. If you are interested in administrative work, you should focus on one of the following topics:

  1. Analyzing the quality of outpatient health care
  2. Health care ethics for the homeless
  3. Assessing the diversity of health care
  4. Evaluating the morality of nursing uniform code regulations
  5. Evaluating gender roles in nursing
  6. Evaluate the lack of men in the health care sector
  7. Analyzing the impact of digital technology on nursing and its future
  8. Human resource administration in hospitals
  9. leadership approaches in emergency department management
  10. leadership in rural practices
  11. Methods to improve staff relations in health care
  12. Nursing education for nurse leadership
  13. Nursing to physician pathways
  14. The future of nursing and telehealth

Good research paper topics for nursing

  1. What is the nurse’s role in the immunoprophylaxis of the allocated adult population?
  2. A nurse’s help in the excretion of a critically ill health consumer.
  3. Input quality control of food products designed for consumer nutrition’s health benefits.
  4. Modern aspects of medical care for patients with B-12 deficient anemia.
  5. Providing care for babies and infants
  6. Patient care before and after anesthesia and surgery.
  7. Nosotrophy of hospitalized patients with spinal cord injury.
  8. Aspects of contemporary medical care for patients with glomerulonephritis.
  9. The nurse’s role in improving the quality of medical examination of the population.
  10. Nosotrophy of patients with viral diseases
  11. Characteristics of nursing care for patients with infectious nerve system disorders and craniocerebral traumas.
  12. Modern nursing aspects for patients with osteoporosis.
  13. The nurse’s involvement in enhancing the efficacy of mass-targeted health screenings as part of medical and preventative assessments.
  14. Care for the oral cavity of a patient who is gravely ill.
  15. The nurse’s role in the earliest possible correction of risk factors and in strengthening the population’s adherence to the treatment of diseases during their most durable stages.

Quantitative Nursing Research Paper Topics

  1. Helping consumers of health care with mental problems.
  2. Nosotrophy of surgical patients.
  3. Oral health care for patients in the maxillofacial department.
  4. modern elements of nursing care for patients with chronic hepatitis
  5. In-hospital care for purulent lung disorders.
  6. The hospital care of patients with fractures of the lower limbs.
  7. Nosotrophy of hospitalized individuals with traumatic brain injury.
  8. The nurse’s involvement in immunoprophylaxis within the context of the National Immunization Schedule.
  9. modern aspects of therapy for chronic renal failure patients
  10. Hospital treatment for disorders of the gallbladder.

Geriatric Nursing Research Topics

  1. What effect does aging have on the immune system?
  2. malnutrition’s effects on the organ system
  3. Can diet pose a risk for dementia?
  4. How effective is a healthy diet at lowering the risk of osteoporosis?
  5. What are the causes and risks of depression in later life?
  6. Some efficient methods for preventing delirium in older individuals.
  7. essential care techniques for alcohol use disorders in older adults
  8. What medical emergencies are faced by older cancer patients?
  9. How can a lengthy hospital stay contribute to complications among critically ill patients?
  10. How can older adults maintain oral hygiene?
  11. The modification of the elderly’s neurological system and cognitive senses.
  12. The aging effects on the cardiovascular system
  13. The risk factors and diagnosis of urinary tract infections in the elderly.
  14. Causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of dehydration in the elderly.
  15. What biological mechanisms and preventative methods exist for Alzheimer’s disease in adults?
  16. How should sepsis be treated in critically unwell elderly patients?
  17. Discuss essential care techniques for older individuals with fragility hip fractures.
  18. What role do nurses have in advance care planning?
  19. Therapeutic options currently available to treat heart failure in the elderly
  20. Methods for treating pressure ulcers in hip fracture patients.

Health Promotion Research Topics

  1. Effective methods for quitting smoking
  2. How do workplace wellness initiatives support healthy behavior practically?
  3. The negative effects of passive smoking
  4. How does alcohol contribute to cancer?
  5. How exactly can air pollution cause lung cancer?
  6. How to boost public health awareness around the world during a pandemic
  7. How can workplaces help in the management of depression?
  8. Physical inactivity is a leading cause of death in developed nations.
  9. How can we promote healthy eating habits and behaviors in children?
  10. The prevention of diet-related malignancies via healthy eating practices.
  11. What are the most successful obesity health promotion strategies?
  12. Discuss the most effective methods for reducing exposure to cancer risk factors.
  13. The significance of health education for children: a path to healthy growth.
  14. How effective is health education in schools?
  15. Methods for raising awareness about cyberbullying.
  16. The importance of spreading awareness on the relationship between UV exposure and skin cancer.
  17. Discuss innovative approaches to maintaining a healthy workplace environment.
  18. How can we get more people to get screened for cancer?
  19. Innovative strategies for managing late-life depression in the elderly.
  20. Techniques for effectively communicating preventive medicine procedures.
  21. What are some successful approaches for evaluating the quality of medical care?

Nursing Research Topics on Obstetrics

  1. Abortion Care Moral Aspect
  2. Practices for Labor and Delivery Management
  3. Gynecology Education for Adolescents
  4. Pre-Term Labor Dangers
  5. Hypertensive Disorders Causes
  6. Preparation for Caesarean Section
  7. Infant Resuscitation Guidelines
  8. Challenges in Saving Mothers and Children
  9. Checklist for Delivery Room Behavior
  10. Antenatal Care Recommendations

Nursing Careers Research Topics

  1. The Works of Nursing Theorists
  2. Ethics and the Treatment of Homeless People
  3. Critical Care Nursing Administration
  4. Between Career and Professional Service
  5. Nursing Practitioners
  6. Clinical Nurse Roles
  7. Diversification in Healthcare
  8. Practices for Night Shift Stress Management
  9. The Digital Age and future Nursing
  10. Questions Regarding Remote Intensive Care Units

Final Words

We understand the pressure you may be experiencing when writing a research paper in nursing. So, we have come up with a list of nursing research topics to help you feel less overwhelmed. Select the topic that appeals to your interests the most. Choose something that leaves room for extra information rather than something abundantly available elsewhere. Before writing your paper, thoroughly examine the subject. We hope you found this blog useful! If you need help writing a research paper do not hesitate to place an order at