Reflect on the role of the nurse in providing holistic care

This final summary reflection is expected to be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length (double-spaced).


Reflect on the concepts that have been covered throughout the course, and describe at least three key takeaways.

Review your self-assessments (you took one during the first week of the course, and you updated it again recently); describe and reflect on your own growth over the past semester in regard to personal biases.

Reflect on the role of the nurse in providing holistic care, and what you will do to incorporate holistic care concepts into your nursing practice to support patients\’ healing journeys.

Describe what you will do to promote holistic self-care and wellness, during your remaining time in nursing school, and when you enter professional practice.

Add any other thoughts about holistic health, and how it applies to professional nursing.

Order a customer answer to reflect on the role of the nurse in providing holistic care

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671 words

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