How To Write an Explanatory Essay?

Academic papers come in various formats, and students must understand how to approach various essays. Explanatory essays are a common type of assignment in which the writer must express an opinion about a particular subject or situation. However, the viewpoint should be thoroughly analyzed to be practical.

Explanatory essays are not as difficult as most students believe because they involve reporting on specific subjects or circumstances. Additionally, it provides context for the investigation from another person’s perspective. These essays serve as evaluations for various courses, including media journalism and history. Here, you must rely on factual evidence and proof to support your arguments.

If you’ve been assigned to write an explanatory essay, don’t panic; read this comprehensive guide to learn the structure, outline, and tips for writing an effective paper.

What Is an Explanatory Essay?

With numerous essays to write, students may become perplexed as to how to write an explanatory paper.

As the name implies, an explanatory essay definition requires you to thoroughly explain a specific research subject while presenting a particular perspective on the issue, event, or circumstance. Extensive research is necessary for an explanatory essay to unearth facts and examples to support your position. It does not have to be the author’s perspective; alternatively, you can present third-party views from other individuals.

The nature of these essays precludes the need for lengthy debates and criticism to substantiate the analysis. The paper will effectively communicate your ideas without resorting to complex jargon with a straightforward explanation of the research objective and perspective. Thus, you can create an impeccably written paper by adhering to a proper format.

Typically, the writer chooses a subject and develops the arguments from a particular angle, leaving room for audience debate. However, your perspective must be supported by sufficient evidence.

However, most students believe that explanatory essays should be one-sided in their argumentation. Rather than that, explanatory essays require the author to demonstrate an objective viewpoint on the subject at hand. The primary objective is to describe the course of events succinctly and logically.

Finally, the audience must understand how you concluded, even if they hold opposing views.

How to Start an Explanatory Essay

It can be quite challenging to begin this paper if this is your first time writing an explanatory essay.

Thus, it would be prudent to set aside some time during the prewriting phase to ensure that you write an organized and logical paper. For instance, before writing an essay, you must choose an interesting topic, conduct research, and create an outline.

The steps below outline how to write an explanatory paper.

Picking a Topic

If your tutor has not assigned you a topic, the first step is to choose one. Conduct an extensive brainstorming session to generate significant ideas. It is prudent to condense your thoughts into something that you can write about. A familiar subject is far easier to navigate than a complicated subject with scarce research sources.

In-depth Research

Research is critical because it enables you to expand on the central ideas and acquire sub-topics and additional factual information. Make a note of significant quotes, facts, and statements that you can refer to later when writing your paper.

Design an Outline

Ascertain that you have a detailed outline that summarizes all of the key points from your research. It will expedite your writing by providing you with an overview of what to include in each section.


The following step is to create the first draft of your expository essay. Expound on the significant themes as you construct your essay and continue to refine them as you write. It may take several hours to organize and rationalize all of your thoughts. As a result, avoid rushing through, or you may miss critical sections.


Finally, thoroughly edit and eliminate all primitive errors from your expository paper, such as typos and improper sentences. Proofread your work and present your professor with a polished paper.

Though the expository essay may appear to be quite technical, you can complete it successfully if you follow helpful guidelines. If not, you can contact qualified academic writers from our service for superior academic writing help.

Explanatory Essay Structure

Few students are familiar with the structure of an explanatory essay. While the paper may appear complicated, it adheres to the standards of a standard essay. With an engaging introduction, detailed body text, and a strong conclusion, your expository paper is sure to earn an A grade.

Ascertain that the introduction is brief, with a thesis statement outlining the paper’s research objective and a hook sentence to pique the reader’s interest. The essay’s body is divided into several paragraphs that explain the central topic and provide in-depth analysis with supporting facts.

Finally, the conclusion summarizes the entire paper, demonstrating the study’s impact.

How to End an Explanatory Essay

It is critical to conclude your paper with strong observations and reflective thoughts. In summary, sentences connect your major themes while paraphrasing the thesis statement. Attract readers’ attention by making them feel the implications of your analysis.


Explanatory Essay Outline

It is critical to have a well-thought-out plan in place to streamline your work. Creating an outline is one method for organizing your thoughts and staying on topic. An explanatory outline will help you logically manage your thoughts.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Introducing any academic paper might seem complicated, and an explanatory essay is no exception. You must pique the audience’s interest with a hook sentence. It could be a compelling question, an arresting statement, or a fact that piques readers’ interest in the subject at hand. Make your introduction concise and clear, as lengthy sentences may bore the audience and cause them to abandon your essay.

Additionally, you must include a brief explanation of the subject to ensure that readers understand your research objectives. Not forgetting to create a thesis statement that elucidates the explanatory essay’s primary objective.

Explanatory Essay Body

The main body text typically consists of three paragraphs, but this number varies according to the parameters and complexity of the paper. This section serves as the essay’s backbone, as it contains the essay’s arguments, explanations, and supporting data. To avoid confusion and disorganization, you should explain each significant idea in its paragraph.

Each paragraph should explain the concept using facts and evidence to bolster the argument. Fact-checking is critical because the explanations in this section rely on it.

Additionally, you must incorporate logic and transitional flow to ensure that your audience understands your paper easily.

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

This is a critical section because it establishes whether or not your explanations were successful. Here, you must first paraphrase the thesis statement to reacquaint readers with your research objective. Include a summary of the paper’s key points while emphasizing the analysis’s value.

Given that the readers will read the final remarks in this section, ensure that your concluding statements are striking and memorable. Additionally, you can motivate readers to conduct additional research on the subject to gather additional helpful information.

There’s MORE We Need to Tell You

Finally, writing an explanatory essay requires more than writing skills and research. Express your thoughts succinctly and plainly to avoid confusing your readers. Additionally, you can express your point of view even if the audience does not concur.

Explanatory essays are systematic because they entail idea exploration, evidence evaluation, and elaboration while logically presenting arguments.

Consider the following tips to help you in writing an outstanding explanatory essay.

Pick an Appropriate Topic

Occasionally, your tutor will allow you to choose an essay topic. Thus, you must carefully read the essay prompt to get a sense of the paper’s parameters. Select a topic that is familiar to you to avoid deviating from the primary subject. It’s much easier to write an excellent essay about something you’re passionate about than it is to delve into a complicated subject.

In-depth research

It is critical to conduct extensive research during the prewriting phase to develop all significant points adequately. Fact-checking is a crucial component that contributes significantly to the essay’s value. As such, you should budget sufficient time to conduct research and jot down relevant information.

Outline Creation

It is necessary to create an explanatory outline because it acts as a thought-builder during the drafting phase. Having an outline simplifies your writing and ensures that you complete your work within the specified time frame. It serves as a guide, allowing you to elaborate on key points.

Review Your Papers

Finally, after completing the final draft, you can correct errors and polish your explanatory paper before submitting it to your tutor. Thoroughly edit and proofread the article to ensure it adheres to all academic standards.