Research has shown that many challenges that students face during research writing in collage are influenced by choosing a wrong topic. Choosing a good and interesting college essay topics for your paper require experience and research skills. Most students prefer visiting nursing writing services for professional help.

This guide has provided more than 150 essay and research topics that students can select. Continue reading to learn more and make wise decisions.

Checklist for Choosing a College Essay Topic

This checklist will assist you in narrowing down your essay topic options and choosing a topic to explore in your paper.

1) Engage in group brainstorming to generate several potential ideas

2) Jot down every idea that occurs to you.

3) Review the list and choose a few essay topics you want to address.

4) Conduct research on the selected topics to see whether sufficient evidence exists to support the claims you will make in an essay.

5) Narrow down your topic search and choose a good writing topic by answering the following questions:

Can you complete the paper within the allocated time?

Can you meet the required word count for this subject?

Do you have access to the necessary materials for the paper with that title?

Will the topic permit me to display my knowledge of the subject?

Does the topic permit me to demonstrate my writing skills effectively?

 Am I sufficiently motivated for this topic?

College Essay Topics by Category

There are numerous varieties of essays, and the nature of their topics relies on the particulars of each article. Although persuasive and argumentative essay topics for college may appear the same, cause and effect and narrative essay topics are very distinct.

Argumentative college essay topics

1) Is there an excessive amount of pressure on adolescents to attend college?

2) Should immigrants be granted additional rights?

3) Do television and film have a responsibility to be more diverse?

4) How does “false news” affect politics and society?

5) How do reality television shows affect society?

6) Should the United States adopt English as its official language?

Persuasive college essay topics

1) Should students be permitted to use mobile phones in elementary and secondary schools?

2) Should all Americans be required to perform a year of community service?

3) Should teenage girls be permitted to obtain contraception without parental consent?

4) Is it time to overhaul immigration laws?

5) Should juveniles convicted of violent crimes be tried as adults?

6) Topics for comparison and contrast essays (learn more from the link)

7) Comparing the Antebellum and Reconstruction Eras in American History

8) Comparing and contrasting similarities and differences between Star Wars and Star Trek.

9) Cats versus dogs: which makes a better pet?

11) New England Colonies vs Middle Colonies OR Southern Colonies.

12) Communism vs Capitalism.

Cause and effect college essay topics

1) What impact do family vacations have on family relationships?

2) What impact has human curiosity had on planet Earth?

3) What are the causes of environmental disasters?

4) How does technological advancement impact the state of nature?

5) What are the causes of Japan’s technological advancements?

Narrative college essay topics

1) Describe an instance when you were injured on the playground. What occurred?

2) Provide an example of defiance from your own life.

3) Tell me about moral issues that trouble you and explain why they do.

4) A negative illustration of cowardice.

5) Describe a situation in which you faced a moral issue.

6) Topics for expository essays

7) Describe the social relevance of wearing a school uniform.

8) Explain the potential repercussions of dropping out of college.

9) Describe the changes in communication since the advent of the Internet 20 years ago.

10) Explain why workplace tolerance is essential.

11) Define the causes and consequences of voter apathy.

Compare and Contrast College Essay Topics

It is difficult to select topics for compare and contrast essays because you must demonstrate your analytical skills. Below are a few recommendations for selecting appropriate subjects for compare and contrast essays.

1) What is the best option for modern students: traditional or distance education?

2) Fascism and Nazism: Are They Distinct or Equivalent?

3) Gender Issues: Differences in Female and Male Mental Processes

4) Is freelancing a viable option for being a Full-Time Employee?

5) Which social network, Facebook or My Space, offers more opportunities?

6) Which Is More Dangerous: Anorexia Nervosa or Obesity?

7) Sources with Free Access and Reserved Rights: Should Intellectual Property Be Protected?

If you choose one of these college essay topics, you will certainly be able to capture the interest of your audience as they pertain to the most recent conversation issues. Compared to other types of essays, compare and contrast essays are the most difficult to write since they involve high analytical skills. This is your opportunity to earn exceptional grades!

Informative College Essay Topics

A good informative essay topic focuses on rising topics of significance. It should bring value and interest to the paper. Here are some informative essay topics that can inspire you:

1) Methods for Improving School Health Standards in Germany

2) How can we improve the safety of American football?

3) The Importance of Having a Democratic Governmental System

4) Types of social ills in underdeveloped nations

5) Why Should Your Business Implement Reliable Cybersecurity Measures?

6) What Are the Most Important Health Tips for Pregnant Women Traveling by Plane?

7) Methods for Preventing Excessive Factory Air Pollution

In contrast to compare and contrast essays, informative essays do not compare various subjects, actions, or outcomes. Informative essays are more descriptive. Hence, they are simpler to execute.

Proposal Essay Topics for college students

The primary objective of selecting a topic for a proposal essay is to demonstrate that the idea can be implemented in practice. Below are several suggestions for proposal essay topics:

1) Can money motivate people to work harder? How to Live a Carefree Life without Being Afraid of Your Income?

2) Religious studies should be taught to high school students as part of the curriculum. How Can It Benefit All Religions?

3) In what ways do students and teachers influence the educational process? How can students and teachers improve the effectiveness of the educational process?

4) Why Do We Misinterpret Misunderstanding for Hatred? Coping Strategies for Extremely Strong Emotions in Parent-Child Relationships

5) How does society treat individuals with disabilities? Can Anything Be Done to Improve the Lives of Individuals with Disabilities?

6) Do We Still Have to Worry About Environmental Protection? What Daily Actions Can We Take to Improve the Situation?

7) How Should Corporations Reward Employees Other Than Financially?

Topics for proposal essays are provided for inspiration. Before attempting to polish them, consult your teacher. Before completing your essay, consult your instructor and then refine your topic.

Controversial Essay Topics for College Students

Controversial essay topics provide an abundance of engaging conversation ideas. However, you always risk expressing a different viewpoint than your teacher. Some teachers tolerate conflicting viewpoints, while others may reduce your mark if you express an opposing viewpoint. Be cautious when selecting a topic for your controversial essay. We recommend numerous controversial essay ideas below.

1) The Importance of a Teacher’s Conduct in the Presence of Signs of Child Abuse

2) Factors That Can Transform Computer Games Into Violent Real-World Stimulants

3) The Role and Effects of Prostitution on Canada’s Overall Economy

4) The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

5) Is global warming factual or propaganda?

6) The History of the LGBTQ Community

7) Required vaccinations for entry to public schools

Writing controversial essays is engaging, but their topics are shocking. Therefore, choose your topic carefully to prevent receiving lesser grades.

Good College Essay Topics by Levels of Education

We can help you select an essay topic based on your educational background. For instance, you can choose a topic for elementary, middle, or high school. Below is a list of common topics for elementary, middle, high school and college.

Elementary and Middle School Essay Topics

Remember that your ultimate grade depends significantly on the subject matter. Many elementary and middle school pupils find it challenging to select essay topics. We can help you choose engaging essay topics for middle school, high school, or college, which you can then change to create a unique paper.

1) Will There Come a Time When There Is No More Technological Progress?

2) The owners of YouTube should review and edit comments containing profanity.

3) The Importance of Communication in Social Networks in Contemporary Education

4) To Become a Politician: Art or Talent?

5) Do You Support King Kong or the Armed Forces Who Interrupted His World to Study Him Violently?

6) The death penalty should be implemented in every country on earth.

7) Steroid users must be prohibited from participating in team sports.

High School Essay Topics

There are various interesting topics for high school essays designed to pique your instructor’s and other readers’ interests. Our essay topics for high school students will assist you in showcasing your writing skills and positively impact your audience. Consider the following high school essay topics to generate your own:

1) Is homeschooling an efficient method for educating children?

2) What are the benefits and drawbacks of attending a single-gender school?

3) Which social activities should be criminalized?

4) The benefits and drawbacks of globalization.

5) The Indian Educational System

6) Can Graffiti Be Considered Art?

7) Is the Cost of Higher Education in Australia Excessively High?

Essay Topics for College Students

Because college is the next step after high school, instructors expect more from college students. College instructors can reject the topics favoured by high school teachers. Therefore, generating topics for college essays is not a simple task. We recommend various essay subjects for college students to make their life easier.

1) Are test scores the most reliable indicator of a person’s competence?

2) What modifications should be made to the current tax system?

3) Why are left-handed guitarists considered more talented?

4) What factors contribute to the rise in the number of adolescent mothers?

5) Is college entrance becoming too competitive?

6) Are Project Managers and CEOs compensated excessively?

7) Military service and the gender role

Creative college essay topics by subject

Throughout any subject, professors encourage students to compose multiple essays on the same general nursing essay topics. The diversity of subtopics covering broad themes might bewilder a student and make it challenging to generate a solid essay topic. We have compiled lists of the most viable essay topics and guidelines on how to write essays on broad topics.


1) In what ways does homework impact student performance?

2) Which Type of Education Is Superior: Private, Public, or Homeschooling?

3) Should vaccinations remain a requirement in public schools?

4) Should “gifted” students be provided with unique educational opportunities?

5) How are online high schools superior to traditional schools?

6) Can a school psychologist assist in resolving the psychological issues of students?

7) How Should Students Take Notes in Class?

High School Life

1) How can students improve their concentration while studying?

2) How Much Does It Cost to Study Abroad, and Is It Worth It?

3) What are the best sports to participate in at British schools? How Did Our School Obtain a Mascot?

4) What are the advantages of being a member of the FFA, BPA, or another school organization?

5) Is it important to learn a foreign language in high school?

6) What ethical guidelines contribute to a successful dating experience?

7) Should more high schools offer apprenticeships or technical programs so that graduates can immediately find employment?

Social Media

1) Should individuals be judged based on their social media profiles?

2) Is it possible to find a significant other through online dating sites, or are they simply scams? Can people form long-term relationships through online dating?

3) Should texting while driving be prohibited?

4) Is technology shortening the human attention span?

5) Can social media platforms such as Pinterest be utilized in the classroom?

6) Does Social Media Harm Young People’s Social Live?

7) How do social media influence the relationships between parents and their children?

Science and Technology

1) How will 3-D printing affect the medical field?

2) What Can Science Currently Offer Disabled Individuals?

3) Is face-recognition software a viable solution to the problem of identity theft?

4) How can practical quantum computers affect our daily lives?

5) How will 360-degree selfie cameras affect the way we share our lives with others?

6) Is it beneficial to add connectivity to our household devices?

7) Can computers truly develop intelligence?

College Health Essay Topics

1) How many individuals be encouraged to adopt a healthier lifestyle?

2) Do television programs depicting obese people losing weight exploit or help?

3) Does environmental pollution affect human health?

4) How can we resolve the issue of antibiotic resistance most effectively?

5) Are pharmaceuticals overused in the treatment of mental illness?

6) What allows some individuals to live beyond a century?

7) Can Internet medical advice improve the health of individuals?

8) Eating disorders and obesity’s root causes

9) Management of anorexia and bulimia nervosa

10) The phenomenon of feminism’s effect on anorexic women

Reflection Paper Topics: Art, Music, and Movie

1) Does Art Pay?

2) Can Music and Cinematography Also Be Considered an Art?

3) Is Gothic Art the Most Preferred and Magnificent in All of Human History?

4) Can You Be Successful Working in the Art Field?

5) Are any of today’s music tracks instructive or meaningful?

6) Are contemporary lyrics too explicit for young listeners?

7) There is no plot in the majority of contemporary films.

8) Modern versus traditional architecture – which side do you take?

9) Why should we attend opera in the twenty-first century?

10) Van Gogh is an icon of contemporary fashion

Funny Informative college essay topics

Because individuals enjoy comedy, interesting essay topics will never leave your readers unmoved. While others are laughing over amusing things, you can present your thoughts. In addition, if you search for my essay, you might find the necessary writing help.

These twenty amusing and interesting ideas can assist you in writing excellent essays:

1) The Masks and Games People Play: Sincerity vs Politeness.

2) Why Do Cat Video Clips Ruin the Internet?

3) Extreme Sports – Are the Risks Worth the Adrenaline?

4) Why Do Skinny Models Remain a Contemporary Beauty Standard?

5) Concerning the morality of surrogate motherhood.

6) Today, can women be considered the weaker gender?

7) Can laziness be a successful strategy?

8) The veracity of media information is questionable.

9) The Effects of the Chornobyl Accident.

10) The Problems of Happy and Unhappy Marriages.

11) Television creates a novel culture.

12) Choice of Profession Is Directly Determined by Personal Development Interest.

13) Infinite Are the Possibilities of the Human Body.

14) Errors are Unavoidable in Every Field. Our Doctors, Judges, and Teachers Allowed to Make Errors?

15) Why do managers employ the carrot and stick motivation? Wouldn’t Strict Policies Be Sufficient?

16) Does an artist require talent to create abstract works of art?

17) Modern Theater and Classic Play Remakes: New Interpretation or Outrage?

18) Eat to live or live to eat? Healthy Diets vs Favorite Dishes.

19) Downloading E-books to Save Trees?

20) Visitors can harm historical sites. Should These Places Continue to Welcome Tourists?

We have suggested ideas for various disciplines, educational levels, essay types, and issues. We have attempted to select issues that are either extensively debated in scientific circles or of interest to the general public. Therefore, read this article before writing your essay to generate ideas and compose an engaging paper.

The process of writing a paper comprises multiple stages. Some believe that citing the work according to format is the most challenging step. Well, that may be true, but the difficulty of formatting becomes less significant if you lack writing ideas. When assigning a task, professors usually specify the type of writing students must complete (like a persuasive essay or a research paper). The choice of writing topic is solely the responsibility of the student. But what can you do if you get a sudden creative block?

Visit for the latest and most interesting research paper and college essay topics. Our writers emit innovative essay ideas, so be the first to obtain the essay topic now. Teachers typically grade papers based on their titles. The writers at can make it stand out. We have a vast repository of topic ideas that you can use for your papers

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