Discuss the benefits of creating a comprehensive crisis response plan before a crisis happens.

Week 7 Discussion 2


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Review Chapter 1-12

Minimum of 1 library resource for initial post

Initial Post Instructions

Discuss the benefits of creating a comprehensive crisis response plan before a crisis happens. Can an organization manage a crisis without having a crisis response plan in place?

Secondary Post Instructions

Read and respond to posts made by at least two peers. Respond in one of the following ways:

Ask a probing question.

Share an insight from having read your peer’s post.

Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience.

Make a suggestion.

Writing Requirements

In addition to one initial post, respond to at least two peers.

Initial Post Length: minimum of 250 words

Secondary Post Length: minimum of 200 words per post

Use APA format for in-text citations and list of references.

Grading and Assessment

Meeting the minimum number of postings does not guarantee an A; you must present an in-depth discussion of high quality, integrate sources to support your assertions, and refer to peers’ comments in your secondary posts to build on concepts.

Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

1) Develop a working definition of leadership.

2) Explain the salient theories of leadership.

3) Interpret the characteristics of leadership.

5) Generalize the responsibilities of successful leadership experiences.

6) Construct a personal plan for leadership.

book -link


Order a custom answer to discuss the benefits of creating a comprehensive crisis response plan before a crisis happens.

378 words