In your observation essay, you may discuss whatever you observe in ordinary life. The subject of the observation doesn’t need to be unusual. Your objective is to look deeper and write about everything you’ve thought or felt while seeing the object; hence, the written observation assignment may appear challenging at first. Using our essay writing service, anyone can quickly learn how to create an observation essay with minimal instruction!

This style of academic essay describes the author’s personal experiences or perceptions. It is a very personal statement from the author, and it is one approach for authors to discover their feelings.

In an observation essay, the author describes items they have carefully noticed so that others can learn from them. Using adjectives and metaphors to explain what they have observed, observers will employ specifics to make their point. Occasionally, the author employs similes and metaphors when seeing something. In addition to describing the scene and any things within it, an observation essay describes the people who inhabit it.

An important distinction between an observation paper and other essays, such as an argumentative or informative essay, is its emphasis on the writer’s internal perspective, as it recounts observations and sentiments rather than research-based material.

You can also write Observation essays in the first person (I), the second person (You), or the third person (He/She). These three types are also referred to as “personal,” “descriptive,” and “narrative.”

For instance, you might write a decent observation essay on a writer’s feelings after a dog has been running over and killed on the street and why they are upset. “I witnessed something dreadful today… I felt quite distressed when I saw that poor little puppy lying in the middle of the road while horses sniffed it.

Personal. In this instance, they are writing from their perspective.

In descriptive essays, the term descriptive is used to describe places and objects.

An illustration might be someone describing their bedroom as “my room is small but comfy.” It is often used to describe people’s appearances: When I saw David Beckham last month, he wore jeans and a black T-shirt.

The term narrative refers to activities and occurrences. The author relates the tale and the facts but does not evaluate them. They recount the events in chronological order without commenting on their significance. Yesterday, my family went on a picnic. All of us wanted to visit the beach, but it was raining. Therefore, we decided to leave town.” In this article, you will learn about many forms of observation essays, including descriptive and narrative essays, by reading a sample essay about dining room furniture and chairs.

How to write an observation essay step by step

These are the key steps involved in writing an observation essay.

1) Choose the subject

Choose some observation features, such as sights, sounds, tastes, sensations, or smells, to write about. You may also observe people or pose a question to yourself and base your observations on the response.

2) Describe this aspect of observation in five sentences.

Examiners frequently read the first statement aloud to introduce the essay (for example, “I always notice elderly women wearing tattered jackets as I walk down the street”). Therefore, the opening sentence of your essay should be powerful and captivating. Then, proceed with four more sentences describing the same feature of the observation in different ways, without repeating any previously used words. This can be challenging, so choose your words carefully.

3) Create a final sentence:

Your concluding phrase can include a summary or evaluation of that part of the observation (e.g., “I think we should help those elderly women make winter garments if we have extra money”). This sentence is not usually there; at this stage, you may choose your conclusion based on your goal and topic.

4) Logical check

Ensure that each of the five phases is related to the others and forms a logical structure by using transitions such as because, for instance, and so on. Use them prudently but not excessively

5) Expand the essay

Whenever required, use headings and expand phrases into whole paragraphs, ensuring that your essay has a logical flow of ideas and organization.

6) Add any extra information

Add any more information to a conclusion, such as, “I am delighted to see elderly individuals wearing bright clothing rather than shabby attire.”

7) Proofread and edit your essay.

The final stage is to analyze and improve the observation essay you have just written to ensure it is of the highest quality.

You have just completed a custom-written observation essay by following these instructions. If you request help writing an observation essay, post your query here.

Observation essay Outline and Format

Observation essays have diverse structures based on their goal, topic, length, and author. Still, they often have five paragraphs: one for the introduction, three for the observation’s specifics, and one for the conclusion.

The structure of an observation essay consists of an introduction, the essay’s body, and a conclusion.

Introduction: The opening consists of a paragraph introducing the essay’s topic.

Body paragraphs: After the introduction, there are typically three paragraphs describing various observational elements.

Conclusion: The conclusion may be presented as a separate paragraph at the end of the essay. This depends on the message you wish to portray in your essay.

Sample of observation essay

Example Observation Essay about A Place

I spend most of my time in my kitchen, living room, and bedroom, which are all next to each other. The kitchen is located in the house’s corner. It features a wide window with a breathtaking outlook. I always spend my leisure time there having breakfast or dinner since the sunlight makes it nice and warm.

The living area is located in the center of the ground floor, which is adjacent to the kitchen and bedroom. I adore this room because I can see the street from it; thanks again for the large window. This location is also ideal for watching television with family; we only need a sofa and a spot in front of the television (personal).

Our living room contains furnishings such as sofas, tables, and seats. They come in various shapes, colors, and designs, but they all serve the same purpose. (Descriptive).

A table is a four-legged piece of furniture with a flat surface that can be used for work or eating. Tables are typically placed in the kitchen because they can accommodate a variety of cooking instruments, including a tray, knives, pots, pans, etc. My table’s hue of light brown makes me feel at ease when I eat dinner alone at night (descriptive).

Some chairs serve other purposes, such as in barbershops where customers are “seated” as they wait for their turn. Chairs vary in size and shape based on their intended function, but they always fulfill the same function as desks (narrative).

My home’s furnishings are stylish and contemporary. Because I spend most of my time in this room and feel peaceful when sitting in these nice chairs, I really enjoy it. (Narrative).

How to write an observation essay about a person

Paying attention is the first step in crafting a decent description.

Consider your five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Every sense contributes something unique to your observations. The more data you record, the better observer you will be! Remember that you can add new information later, but erased information cannot be recovered. It is easier to begin writing using a pencil so that the writer may erase any mistakes. Use straightforward language and make your direct comments positive-everyone appreciate compliments!

People are a means by which we observe things. They serve as observational and reflective mirrors. People are complicated to understand, but we do know that we all communicate ourselves by our behaviors. So, let’s consider one method to define people: they reveal themselves through their actions and inactions.

Before writing an observation essay about a person (or a place), gathering as much information as possible about the subject is essential. Additionally, you may want to consider taking notes on minor aspects. You will need these notes later so that you may include them in your essay. If you are writing an observation essay about someone, you should strive to find out how they got where they are in addition to who they are. Additionally, attempt to determine what they are like and why.

You can also write about the various unusual or amusing things you’ve witnessed individuals doing. You can express your opinions on these topics and generate new ones.

Another consideration while writing an excellent observation essay is to choose your words carefully. People frequently forget the impact their words can have on others.

You may find yourself saying something nasty or just plain stupid that is ultimately inconsequential.

When writing an excellent essay about your observations of people, you must choose your words carefully and avoid selecting data that could potentially affect the reputation of another person.

1) When writing an observation essay about a person, it is important to provide all relevant information while keeping the essay engaging.

2) The last thing you want is for your reader to lose interest in your paper and put it down.

3) Be specific in your communication.

4) Provide context for why or how something occurred (the situation) whenever possible.

Make sure that everything you say is also truthful!

How to start an observation essay

Observation papers are challenging to write since they lack an interesting topic. The primary purpose of an observation paper is to gather, evaluate, and synthesize data regarding a research subject or study. Keeping these many forms of information in mind, here is how to begin:

1) Select a topic as the starting point for your investigation. For instance, you can examine how your lecturer conducts class meetings. Choose the lecturer and meeting type for observation purposes. This is a simple option because it is currently being utilized in class.

2) Consider past research publications on the subject. This coverage of a previously studied subject or occurrence will be supplemented by an observational study that applies the findings of past studies to your observation. For instance, look for articles or research papers that compare the effectiveness of different types of meetings.

3) Determine the categories of information you seek as you observe and organize them as they appear. Use these as notes or quotations, and then return to create your observation paper using this knowledge.

4) Summarize the findings and provide a recommendation at the conclusion. For instance, you can suggest that history instructors use whiteboards rather than PowerPoint presentations because it is simpler to follow up with class material.

What is an observation essay?

An observation essay (also known as an observation paper) is a sort of essay in which the author must observe and record data about a specific person, thing, event, or place. The purpose of a written observation paper is to present the observations in a way that gives the reader a solid understanding of what is being presented. The reader may understand what is being depicted through extensive explanations and vivid word selection.

What are some observation essay topics?

How to brew a cup of tea, what happens at a birthday party, or how to make friends are examples of possible topics for an observation essay.

For a tea preparation observation essay, one could observe others make tea and describe the procedure in detail. To examine the tea preparation process, one may view numerous YouTube videos about the topic. One may also study tea varieties, flavors, and other flavoring additives.

For a birthday party observation essay, one could view YouTube videos on various birthday parties and then explain in detail what occurs at each type of party.

For an observational essay about making friends, one could consult the internet for tips on how to make new acquaintances. One could also conduct interviews with peers and inquire what they do to make new friends.

What are some effective strategies to write a report on an observation?

Here are some excellent ways to create an infant observation essay or report:

Record the particular specifics of your observations.
Utilize descriptive words to express your observations.
When necessary, cite the specific source. For instance, if your observation essay is about a website you used to research for your paper, provide parenthetical citations after each paragraph line that discusses that resource.

What are some common pitfalls when completing a written observation assignment?

The following are frequent difficulties that students may experience when writing an observation essay:

1) Simply describe something without providing any extra information or context.

2) Using imprecise terms such as “object” and omitting crucial details, readers need to visualize the subject being discussed.

3) Referencing sources without explaining how they were utilized in the paper. The purpose of an observation essay is not merely to reference sources but to describe what was observed in sufficient detail for the reader to grasp what is being reported.

Use these guidelines when writing an observation paper for college. If you need additional help, review the examples of written observations above.

Writing Help: Observation Essay Topics

Here are a few observation essays you may be required to write and a few observation essay topics you may need help with. Fill out the order form to request online writing help.

• Gym observation essay
• Naturalistic observation essay
• Nonverbal observation essay
• Participant observation essay
• Personal observation essay
• Stranger observation essay
• Child development observation essay
• Social observation essay
• Yoga class observation essay
• An observation and an explanation essay
• Class observation essay
• Classroom observation report essay pdf format
• Courtroom observation essay

Observation Essay Writing Help

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