You are familiar with the basics of the IB Extended Essay and its requirements. This blog will teach you how to write an IB Extended Essay and the Best IB Extended Essay Guidelines that thoroughly investigate a study topic and achieve top marks.

To create an excellent IB Extended Essay, select a topic that interests you, formulate a precise research question, conduct research, and organize your essay. Before submitting the essay, plan the writing process, organize meetings with your supervisor, write the essay, and proofread it.

An alternative approach to writing an IB Extended Essay is to seek online academic writing help from a professional service.

At Nursing Writing Services, we provide the best EE writing service available online, which can ensure that your IB Extended Essay is completed on time.

The IB Extended Essay is not an assignment you should fail unless you choose to do so on purpose. The best way to write an EE on any topic is to design a solid framework and then adhere to it from beginning to end.

How to write an IB Extended Essay Assignment

To compose a thorough IB Extended Essay on any topic within 40 hours:

Choose a Topic

The first step in writing an IB Extended Essay is to select a topic to investigate.

Unfortunately, you cannot glean a decent topic from a book or ask an IB classmate for their opinion. You must brainstorm and conduct preliminary research to select an engaging issue to work on.

You do not need to spend so many hours searching for an EE topic.

Determine first what interests you outside of the classroom. Then, generate a list of prospective subjects you might explore depending on your chosen subject.

As you search for a topic, you may discover that you have multiple areas of interest.

We advise you to select the most intriguing topic, preferably one related to a subject you’ve always wanted to research.

Additionally, ensure that the topic permits you to create something original in the essay.

If the topic does not allow you to convey ideas beyond the obvious, abandon it and look for something new. Check our IB Extended Essay topics for research ideas.

Research Your Topic

Researching your topic will help to inform the drafting of your essay. The structure, case study, and experiments will easily stand alone if you conduct adequate research.

To conduct your research more successfully:

  • Start by reading the EE guidelines for the topic you wish to investigate. This can help you evaluate whether you need primary sources, secondary research, or both.
  • Determine whether you must obtain data from someone else, search for facts, generate your data, or rely on the opinion of others.
  • Check with your supervisor to determine how recent your research has to be.
  • Conduct research depending on the subject, your chosen topic, and your supervisor’s recommendations.

You may need to browse various sources to find the most pertinent material for your Extended Essay.

You must ensure that your bibliography is sufficiently extensive to demonstrate that you have spent sufficient time researching your topic. Read also: What are the Best Extended Essay Topics?

Develop a Research Question

You must develop a precise, brief research question that focuses the article on the intended audience.

The Extended Essay Guide requires that your research question be explicit, but it does not have to be in question form. In addition, your research question should be a worthwhile inquiry.

Suppose the research question you have generated is concise, comprehensive, specific, and relevant to the topic you wish to cover in 4,000 words. In that case, you are ready to begin writing the IB Extended Essay. Read our Tips and Tricks To Tackle IB Extended Essay Questions.

Structure and Plan Your EE

Your Extended Essay should be formatted as follows:

  • Your research question
  • Cover page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Main body
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Three Reflections

Use this outline to organize your research and compose the IB Extended Essay in the specified order.

Consult Your Supervisor

One of the benefits of participating in an IB program is the ability to choose a mentor for the Extended Essay reflection process.

It could be a colleague or an instructor with whom you feel comfortable.

Ensure you consult them with your study so they can inform you if you’re on the right track.

Write Your First and Last Draft

Once you are confident that you have conducted exhaustive research, use your outline to compose your first draft.

Do not be concerned with grammar or punctuation.

Simply bring your outline to life, and then utilize this initial draft to construct the official IB extended essay you will submit. Check our Extended Essay Example.

Proofread and Edit Your Work

When the final draft of your IB extended essay is complete, edit and proofread it for any grammatical or other errors you may have missed while revising it from the initial draft.

If possible, have your supervisor review it before submission.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take to Write an IB Extended Essay?

IB expects students to complete their Extended Essay within forty hours.

There is sufficient time to begin and complete the writing process if you begin working on the EE immediately.

When Should I Write an EE?

Starting an IB Extended Essay assignment early is the optimal strategy. Instead of waiting until the last minute to write an essay, start immediately, so you have adequate time to complete the assignment.

Remember that effective time management is crucial to your success.

After selecting a topic for your Extended Essay project, you should construct a workable timeline.

Determine how much time you can devote to your research process, divide the task into manageable portions, and set a realistic deadline for each section.

How Do You Structure an IB Extended Essay?

Your IB Extended Essay must have a research question, cover page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, bibliography, and three reflections.


It is possible to feel stuck while you continue to work on your IB Extended Essay; however, your supervisor will assist you during the reflection sessions.

During these sessions, your supervisor will assess your research question, review your structure and writing strategy, and provide feedback on your first draft.

Remember that you have 40 hours to complete the essay, which should be sufficient to meet the deadline.

If you become stuck throughout the writing process, you can contact the IB team at Nursing Writing Services for Help with IB Extended Essay.