RNBS 4631 Nursing Leadership and Management.

RNBS.4631.060 and .061 sections & .06AL and .061L Lab sections – Nursing Leadership & Management – (All sections are combined in the main Canvas course; we will not use the Canvas lab sections for this course. We will have didactic and clinical content in one location only.)

Course Description

Synthesis of theories and concepts related to critical thinking, change theory, conflict resolution, delegation, and changes that impact the health care delivery system are discussed. Theories and concepts related to leadership and management are presented.  Opportunities for theory application are provided in selected structured and unstructured settings. 3:3 (3 credits didactic and 3 credits clinical component)


Admission to the RN-BSN track. Successful completion of RNBS 3303 and RNBS 3312 and RNBS 3415. Special permission is required from the School of Nursing to take it out of sequence.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. 1. Professionalism: Demonstrate responsibility for ongoing professional development, including exploration of role diversification and life-long learning.
  2. 2. Patient-Centered Care: Integrate concepts of current organizational and systems leadership with the culture of the healthcare organization to coordinate quality patient-centered care.
  3. 3. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP): Integrate theory and research knowledge in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of nursing leadership/management actions in various practice settings.
  1. 4. Informatics & Technology: Utilize contemporary practice technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support the delivery of safe nursing practice.
  2. 5. Quality Improvement: Apply knowledge of the socio-political forces, economic resources, and regulatory processes that impact health care delivery.
  3. 6. Teamwork and Collaboration: Work in partnership with the inter/intra-disciplinary team to optimize patient outcomes that reflect advocacy and human caring for diverse populations across the lifespan.
  4. 7. Wellness and Prevention: Synthesize professional skills, knowledge, and attitudes when applying the nursing process to provide safe, holistic, evidence-based patient-centered care.
  1. 8. Leadership: Demonstrates values based on historical, moral, ethical, and legal aspects of professional nursing practice responding to global health needs
  2. 9. Safety: Implement measures to promote quality and a safe environment for patients, self, and others.
  3. 10. Strengths: Measure how strengths (signature talent themes) influence the role of the student nurse and clinical decision-making.

Expectations of RNBS 4631 Students:

  1. Students are responsible for all course assignments and content, including announcements posted in Canvas learning management system.
  1. b. Weekly module content, including video lectures and interactive learning material are posted in Canvas by module. Students are responsible for viewing the lecture video and any other required videos and then completing the Check for Understanding activities including the quiz. Completion of ALL components of the interactive learning activities results in a percentage of completion grade in the grade center. Completion of the course work for each module is recommended for successful completion of the course.
  2. All submitted written material (papers, assignments, examinations, etc.) is the property of the School of Nursing.
  1. d. Late assignments are discouraged and will be accepted at the discretion of faculty. A five (5) percent penalty for each day the assignment is late may be applied to the final grade at faculty discretion
  2. Communication with faculty will be via canvas, phone, scheduled Zoom meetings, UTT Patriot email, or scheduled appointments. Students are required to use their student Patriot or Canvas email accounts for all correspondence. Email communication should include RNBS-4631 in the subject line. Students are expected to check their university email at least every two business days. Faculty will respond to email correspondence within two business days.
  3. Students must communicate with course faculty about all potential/late assignments/exams and discuss options for making up and submitting late course work. Students will contact the course faculty as soon as possible to discuss the situation. Students are subject to failing the course assignment/exam if they do not communicate with the course faculty.
  1. b. All clinical activities and exams are required to be completed for this course.

Grading Policy and Criteria

Students repeating a course may not use previously submitted assignments in the current course or previous courses nor utilize the same patients for an assignment. Submitting the same or slightly modified assignments from previous semesters is considered self-plagiarism and is subject to academic discipline, including failing the assignment or the course.

Specific guidelines and grading criteria for all assignments are in the Modules. Final grades for the course will be determined based on the following point assignments:

A – 90-100

B – 80-89

C – 75-79

D – 60-74

F – Below 60

Final course grades less than 75% are not rounded.

The combined weighted calculation of all course assignments, quizzes, exams, and clinical activities must be at least 75% in order to pass the course.

Late policy: Students are expected to adhere to assignment due dates and times. Late submissions will receive a 5% deduction each day an assignment is past due unless prior arrangements have been made with your course faculty. Extenuating circumstances may apply. Students must contact the course faculty to get approval for any extensions for late work.

Criteria for Evaluation: Percentage of Grade:
Exam 1 15%
Exam 2 15%
Exam 3 15%
Discussions/Participation 15%
Interactive Learning/CU Quizzes 5%
Syllabus/Course schedule/Important Course Information Quiz 5%
Clinical Grade: Clinical Expectations Quiz, APA Quiz, Clinical

Activities, and Clinical Self – Evaluation

Total 100%